• Heritage Area At a Glance 

  • Conservation Easements

  • Garrett Heritage MeetingMegan Benjamin with the Maryland Environmental Trust gave a presentation about Conservation Easements at the Deep Creek Lake State Park Discovery Center in June 2014. The discussion covered the workings of easements as well as their advantages and benefits to landowners.  In Garrett County, the Maryland Environmental Trust currently protects 2,448 acres on 19 properties, many in cooperation with the local land trust partner, Allegheny Highlands Conservancy. The power point presentation can be viewed below.

     Maryland Environmental Trust Education Session


  • This project has been financed in part with State Funds from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, an instrumentality of the State of Maryland.
    However, project contents or opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.

  • Photo Credits: Tim Jacobsen, Bob Carney, Marcia Warnick, Sarah Myers, Crede Calhoun, Higher Focus Studios, Garrett Historical Society, Sarah Duck, Garrett County Chamber of Commerce