• Heritage Area At a Glance 

  • Heritage Area Map

  • Explore our Heritage Area sites, museums and attractions. Here, you can find some of our most unique historic and cultural locations throughout the county. Use this map as a tool to plan your visit based on theme, location or interest. To locate our specific Heritage Area boundaries, please visit the MEDUSA tool, Maryland's cultural resource information system. This map allows users to zoom in to specific address and activate the Other MHT Base Data layer (Maryland Heritage Areas sublayer) to illuminate the boundaries.

    Click the symbol on the left below to find a categorized list of sites, museums, and more.

  • This project has been financed in part with State Funds from the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, an instrumentality of the State of Maryland.
    However, project contents or opinions do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority.

  • Photo Credits: Tim Jacobsen, Bob Carney, Marcia Warnick, Sarah Myers, Crede Calhoun, Higher Focus Studios, Garrett Historical Society, Sarah Duck, Garrett County Chamber of Commerce